Meet Sarah

My name is Sarah Metraus and I am a senior at the University of Northwestern –St. Paul, in Minnesota. I plan to graduate this upcoming May with a degree in Public Relations. I love college life, and I have spent the last two years of my college career working on the student Residence Life staff at UNW. I really enjoyed my job as a Resident Assistant and now as the Assistant Resident Director, and I am considering a degree in Student Development in the future.
A communicator by nature, I started talking when I was only seven months old. As the oldest of four children, I was never at a lack for someone to talk to growing up. I took my love of communication to the next level when I decided to major in Public Relations in college. No matter where I take my future career I want to invest in people, hear their story, and hopefully encourage them to become better communicators too.
I love drinking coffee, reading books, running outdoors, having deep conversations, and traveling. One of my greatest opportunities was spending three weeks in Nepal last summer. It is my dream to road trip across all 50 states and blog about my experience.
I hope this blog is a place where I get to explore my creative side, make some things I want to try, and improve my writing skills. I’m sure things will get a little messy along the way. Thanks for joining me on this journey. I hope my projects can inspire you and make you laugh.


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